Chugging, should charity workers be paid to corner consumers into donating?

Chuggers, clip board in hand are paid charity workers. Increasingly they have begun littering the high street jostling for your money. But is the practice of cornering shoppers for custom really the way to gain donations?

The premise of charity suggests donations should be freely given, and graciously received, however the practice of jostling shoppers asking for donations is beginning to give charities an image likened to that of cold callers.

Shoppers are increasingly required to dash between stores in an attempt to avoid eye contact with the chuggers popping up like nuisance internet ads. Perusing shop windows, and strolling at leisure down the high street is becoming a thing of the past.

So are they hassling shoppers or helping charity organisations to raise their funds? I went to find out what Leeds City shoppers thought.

Jenny voxpop sequence from Jennifer Gibbon on Vimeo.

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